7 Things to Know About Whitening Your Teeth

whitening teeth

Did you know that seven in 10 Americans feel self-conscious about their teeth? While crookedness, gaps, and receding gums were common complaints, many survey respondents were self-conscious about the shade of their teeth. Some people even admitted that they avoided laughing or covered their mouths when they smiled! If you can count yourself in that number, you’ll be happy […]

5 Kinds of Whitening Treatments to Try

whitening treatments

Even though your teeth have a natural yellow hue, many people desire to have pearly whites. White teeth appear cleaner and give you a brilliant smile. You can achieve a whiter smile through whitening treatments from your cosmetic dentist. But what are the best whitening treatments to try? Is one better than the other and […]

7 Signs That You Need to Whiten Your Teeth

whiten your teeth

Actress Connie Stevens once said that “Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.” It’s a quote that is also backed by statistics. Almost half of the adults in America believe that a person’s most memorable feature is their smile. There are also many science-backed benefits of smiling. But if you believe you have […]

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth? Tips to Keep that Smile Bright

Do you want to keep a movie-star smile that will make all of your friends jealous? Perfect pearly whites require a little bit of upkeep; a small price to pay for a sparkly smile.  Do you know how to keep your teeth looking their best? How often should you whiten your teeth? How can you maintain […]


Thank you so much for the great experience with your ZOOM Whitening System my teeth look great and I have no sensitivity. Looking forward to my next visit. – Maey E. Whitening Houston, Texas