Oral diseases affect over 3.5 billion people around the world. Meanwhile, about 2.4 billion people suffer from cavities. If you need to replace a severely decayed tooth or lost a tooth, talk to your Katy dentist.
They might recommend a dental implant procedure. You can restore the state of your smile and fill in any gaps between your teeth.
On the fence about dental implants, Katy, TX residents? Consider these seven dental implant benefits before you make your choice. By reviewing these benefits, you can make a more informed decision for your oral health.
Keep reading to discover how a dental implant procedure can change your life today!
1. Prevent Bone Loss
Leaving an empty space between your teeth could leave your jawbone without the stimulation you need. Your jawbone might experience deterioration over time as a result. Instead, consider dental implants Katy TX procedures.
Your Katy dentist can place a dental implant to fill the gap.
If you wait too long before your dental implant procedure, the bone area could start losing volume. You’ll continue experiencing bone loss over time as well.
Do you wear dentures? Dentures could accelerate your bone loss if they start rubbing against the bony ridge. The area will begin wearing down even more over time.
Instead, consider visiting the best dentist in Katy TX. Your dentist can add an implant into that space. The implant tooth will provide your jaw with the stimulation it needs for natural bone growth.
2. They Work Like Natural Teeth
One of the greatest benefits of dental implants is that they behave like your natural teeth. Getting an implant could restore your ability to chew as a result.
Meanwhile, people who see you smile could struggle to recognize the difference between your implant and natural teeth.
Without a dental implant, however, you could struggle to chew. You might experience discomfort when eating your favorite foods as well. In fact, you might have to stop eating certain foods to avoid additional pain.
Instead, talk to your Katy dental team. They can restore your smile and your ability to chew.
Once your dental implant is in place, you can eat and chew like you normally would. You could find that it’s easier to speak as well.
You’ll need to maintain your oral health routine, though.
Other procedures, such as dental bridges, can only provide a temporary solution. Implants, on the other hand, can last as long as your natural teeth.
Talk to your Katy dentist about your options. They might recommend implants made from titanium. Your dentist will integrate the implant with your jawbone.
The implant is biocompatible, so your body won’t reject it. Instead, it will work, look, and feel like a natural tooth.
3. Maintain Stability
About 3 million people in the US have dental implants. In fact, another 500,000 are put in place every year. If you’re concerned about your smile, talk to your Cinco Ranch dentists.
They’ll help you determine if a dental implant procedure is right for you.
Choosing a dental implant benefits your natural teeth as well. If you’re missing a tooth, the adjacent teeth can shift toward the gap. Your teeth could move out of position, causing them to appear crooked.
As your teeth shift, you might notice changes in your bite. You could notice a change in your appearance and smile as well. Before that can happen, talk to your dentist about implants.
Waiting too long could make the procedure more difficult in the future. Meanwhile, you might experience complications like pain and headaches.
You could develop issues with your temporomandibular joint as well.
4. Avoid Facial Sagging
Your Cinco Ranch dental team can use dental implants to benefit your appearance, too.
Choosing a dental implant procedure will help preserve your jawbone. You can prevent additional facial structure deterioration as a result. Otherwise, your jawbone’s deterioration could impact your facial structure.
Your lips and lower face could start to look shriveled and wrinkled otherwise. In fact, you might look older than you actually are.
Dental implants can help you maintain your overall appearance. You can improve the state of your smile and avoid prematurely aging.
5. Immediate Results
Some Cinco Ranch dental procedures can require more than one appointment. You might find these procedures time-consuming and costly. You’ll have to schedule appointments throughout the year to repair the damage.
Remember, if you’re missing a tooth, your remaining teeth might shift to fill that spot. You could require Invisalign or another procedure to fix the damage.
Instead, talk to the best dentist in Katy, TX about dental implants. The procedure is fast and easy. Then, you can start enjoying immediate results without worrying about the state of your teeth.
6. Avoid Gum Disease
Leaving a gap between your teeth gives bacteria and food particles space where they can hide away. Make sure to brush and floss every day. Otherwise, bacteria will help plaque form.
Plaque can harden into tartar, which could increase your chances of developing gum disease.
Gum disease, or gingivitis, can cause painful side effects. The disease can progress into periodontal disease as well. Instead of leaving it to chance, consider dental implants, Katy, TX.
You can close the gap and improve your overall oral health.
7. Boost Your Self-Esteem
Repairing a gap between your teeth can also boost your self-confidence. If you’re currently hiding your smile from people, talk to your Katy dental team. They can help you explore your treatment options, including implants.
A dental implant will fill the gap between your teeth. You can smile and laugh without hiding your smile from others. You’ll feel more comfortable in social situations as a result.
Otherwise, people might never get the chance to see your stunning smile.
Dental Implants Katy TX: 7 Benefits of Scheduling a Dental Implant Procedure
Don’t hide your smiles away! Instead, consider dental implants, Katy, TX residents. A dental implant procedure can restore your smile and improve your oral health.
You can then enjoy these dental implant benefits and more!
Want to discuss your treatment options with your Katy dental team? We’re here to help.
Contact us today to get started.