dentist in katy, tx

Close to 40 million people in the United States are missing every single one of their teeth. When you are missing even one tooth, it can cause many other problems with your oral health.

Do you want to learn more about dental implants and when you should consider getting one? Keep reading this article to learn more and to find the best dentist in Katy, TX. 

Replace Missing Teeth

The main reason that people get dental implants is that they are missing one or more teeth. As mentioned before, millions of people in the United States have no natural teeth in their mouths. However, there are even more missing, just one tooth. 

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, there are 120 million people in the U.S that are missing at least one tooth. Getting a dental implant is a simple procedure that can replace a missing tooth. 

This is a great option if you want a minimally invasive procedure to improve your confidence in your smile. 

You Don’t Want Your Teeth to Shift

Next, many people get a dental implant as a way to support neighboring teeth in their mouth. When you are missing a tooth, it is easy for the surrounding teeth to shift towards the gap. 

This can lead to a variety of other problems, including crooked teeth. Missing a tooth may even lead to the other teeth becoming loose as well. To prevent further damage to your natural teeth, you can get a dental implant to support the rest of your teeth. 

Dentures are Too Uncomfortable

For those who are missing many teeth, dentures are an option. However, some people find dentures to be too uncomfortable to wear. Wearing dentures can irritate your gums and the rest of your teeth.

In fact, dentures may even cause an abscess in your gums and other allergic reactions. To prevent these issues, many people would prefer to get dental implants. 

Dentures are also a lot more difficult to adjust to. It can be difficult to relearn how to eat and even how to speak. For those who don’t want to go through this adjustment period, dental implants may be the best option. 

You Want a Natural Smile

While many people are perfectly fine losing a tooth, others may feel self-conscious of their new smile. It can be difficult to talk normally when you are missing a tooth, and you may feel uncomfortable smiling. 

For those that want a natural smile, dental implants are a great option. Implants are very natural-looking and blend in with your existing teeth. In fact, getting a dental implant can even improve your natural smile. 

If you feel self-conscious about your smile and want to fill in your gaps, you may want to talk to your dentist about getting dental implants. 

Easy Upkeep and Maintenance

Dental implants are also straightforward to take care of. This is not the case with other alternatives, like bridges. When you have a dental bridge, you need to take extra good care of your oral health. Otherwise, you may allow cavities to form beneath your crowns. 

This causes problems with other teeth in your mouth and may even lead to painful treatments, like a root canal. 

However, dental implants are straightforward to clean and maintain. You can treat them like your other teeth. Be sure to brush and floss your implant daily. The only changes you may need to make are to your diet. 

Make sure you avoid foods that are hard to chew, as they may damage your dental implant. Other than that, it is easy to maintain your dental implants and keep them in great shape for years to come!

Minimally Invasive Process

While some dental procedures may take several visits to complete, dental implants are an efficient and minimally invasive process. The surgery is very safe, and it does not take long for patients to recover from getting a dental implant. 

In fact, you can get your dental implant in one office visit. While an implant is considered oral surgery, it is a quick procedure. It is also likely that you won’t experience pain while getting your implants. 

Because it is such a quick procedure, you can completely change your smile and confidence in a single dentist visit. 

You Want Long-Lasting Options

Finally, dental implants are long-lasting and a more durable alternative to other solutions, like dentures and bridges. When you get dental implants, they can last for decades without causing you any issues. This gives you a confident smile for years!

On the other hand, solutions like dentures may not be a permanent solution. In fact, you may even have to get them replaced in as little as 5 years. For such a big investment, you want to make sure you are getting a durable option that will fit your lifestyle. 

Find an Implant Dentist in Katy, TX Today

When you are missing one or more teeth, there are many options you can choose from to replace them. If you are looking for a dentist in Katy, TX that can give you a natural smile with easy maintenance that will keep your teeth from shifting, you should consider getting a dental implant. Are you looking for a Katy dentist?

Katy Gentle Dentists can help! We serve patients who need Cinco Ranch dental work and specialize in dental implants in Katy, TX. 

Contact our team to learn more about our Katy dental services and book an appointment with our Cinco Ranch dentists today!